Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Five Common Vision Casting Mistakes

Today I want to repost a great blog by Mac Lake of Launch Network out of Atlanta. Find him at


Posted by Mac Lake | Posted in Leadership, Vision | Posted on 23-11-2009

Strong vision casting is absolutely essential for moving an organization toward the fulfillment of it’s mission. That’s why leaders must be consistent in casting a convincing and compelling picture of the future. But sometimes when we actually open our mouths to cast vision we’re prone to some common mistakes. Here are five to consider as you think about your next vision casting opportunity.
  • MISTAKE #1 Too Much Information – While it’s important for you to know the details of the vision don’t feel like you have to share ALL the details with everyone. When you share too much information you can actually dampen enthusiasm rather than inspire following. Rule of thumb: The bigger the audience the fewer the details you need to share. You can let them know there is a strategic plan, just don’t feel like you have to share the step by step details with the large crowd.
  • MISTAKE #2 Emotionless Presentation- There is nothing worse than casting vision in a monotone voice. You may not have a charismatic personality but you can still find a way to enthusiastically express your vision through your personality. You have to cast vision with passion or others wont be convinced that you’re convinced.
  • MISTAKE #3 Credit Hog – it’s always tempting for a leader to take full credit for the vision. But when we shine the light on ourselves we take the light off of the vision. Rule of Thumb: When casting vision use the word “we” more than “I”. Show the listener(s) how they fit into the vision.
  • MISTAKE #4 Trigger Happy – You may have a great vision but if you cast it at the wrong time you may do more damage than good. For example if you’re new in the role remember this principle: People buy into the visionary before they buy into the vision. Take the time to do the relational groundwork, build your credibility, demonstrate authenticity, give people time to know you as well as know your vision. Take time to get key influencers behind and bought into the vision before casting it from a big platform.
  • MISTAKE #5 Unbelievable – Sometimes leaders cast a vision that’s so big that the average person just can’t grasp it. Rule of thumb: the more previous success you’ve had the bigger the vision you can cast. Our senior pastor Greg Surratt is one of the biggest visionaries I’ve known. I always jokingly say he thinks with more zeros’ on the end than I do. But his previous successes from years past allow him to cast a much bigger vision today.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Accelerate is developing coaching networks for church planting pastors


Mission: An Alliance of church planting churches, networks and denominations to accelerate church planting in the Washington / Baltimore corridor

Vision: Coming alongside in a collaborative effort to attract, inspire and equip kingdom-minded leaders to engage their time, talent and treasure in catalyzing a movement of healthy, reproducing faith communities.


We collaborate to:

A.    Serve Church Planters:

(Pastors who are launching new churches)

1.    Creating Coaching Networks for peers of planting pastors led by experienced church planters providing encouragement, equipping and permission giving

Goal: 5 Coaching Networks running, 7 coaches recruited in 2012

2.    Meeting, encouraging, consulting and networking with church planters

Goal: Meet two planters weekly in 2012. Recruit to coaching networks.

Visit new church services twice monthly

B.    Serve Church Planting Churches:

(Churches who have significantly helped at least 3 new churches launch in the last 5 years)

1.    Strategic learning sessions with Church Planting Church leaders to share learnings and stimulate progress

Goal: Yearly spring gathering with best practice discussions


2.    Networking together churches and national planting networks to establish church planting churches as equipping centers

            Goal: Two new equipping centers in 2012, each training planters who are

 being sent out by various churches in the area


3.     Advance Church Planting through the Accelerate Blog/Web site:

1.    Highlighting God at work through story telling

2.    Recruiting and connecting potential planters to churches, networks and denominations

3.    Communicating resources and events for encouraging and equipping church planters

                        Goal: Site operating by March 2012

4.     Develop the Accelerate organization and raise funds for ministry operations:

1.    Develop an Advisory Team of business leaders and pastors

Goal: Initial team by December 2011

2.    Raise operating funds to free up staff to resource leaders         

Goal: Partnering as a ministry of Faith in the Family for 501c3 status by Nov. 2011

                        Goal: Raise 50% of funds by June 2012, 100% by December 2012

Ron Johnson, Executive Director                  703-582-3755