Today (4/15/2012) I visited Portico Church in Arlington, VA. I had my taxes done so life is good. Portico started in 2010 as a daughter church of Portico Church in Charlottesville, VA. Mark Campbell is the pastor.
The vision of Portico Church is to plant 20 churches in the Washington area in 20 years. Their first plant will start in 2013 led by Justin Pearson. Justin spent years leading the small group ministry of Frontline and now is interning at Portico. Justin has a distinct advantage over many church planters.
1. He has a sponsoring church in the area that has a vision for planting and sending their own people to do the planting.
2. He has had assessment, training and coaching through a national network. In his case it is Acts 29 Network. The national networks have some of the best training and coaching for church planters.
3. He's had great modeling in leadership through Portico and Frontline.
Lyle Schaller was a prolific writer of books about church growth in the 70's. At age 83 I heard him speak at a conference where he said, "after 30 years of writing and coaching churches I've concluded that the main reason churches grow is because of the vision and passion of the senior pastor."
The vision of pastor Mark Campbell is an example of what God wants to build into a leader. Pray for Mark and Justin as they seek to reach people for Christ and build vibrant Christian communities.
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